Sunday Worship

Please join us Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. for worship in the Sanctuary. We sing, pray, and study the Bible together. Afterwards, we gather for coffee, food, and conversation.

Sermon Series

At any given time, we might be preaching through a book of the Bible or following the church calendar. To start the New Year, we’re studying Jesus’s parables in the Gospel of Luke.

  • 1/5 - Luke 8:4-15 - The Sower

  • 1/12 - Luke 10:25-37 - The Good Samaritan

  • 1/19 - Luke 12:13-21 - The Rich Fool

  • 1/26 - Luke 13:1-9 - The Barren Fig

  • 2/2 - Luke 13:18-21 - The Mustard Seed and Yeast

  • 2/9 - Luke 14:15-24 - The Great Banquet

  • 2/16 - Luke 15:1-10 - The Lost Sheep and Lost Coin

  • 2/23 - Luke 15:11-32 - The Prodigal Son

ICC Blog

Visit our Blog to see excerpts from sermons, announcements, and other reflections on following Jesus in Allston.