Update from Judy

Greetings. Today is Wednesday and Nancy and I have visited real heroes of the faith today. The weather continues remains the same dry season hazy, dust lots of it and hot.

I hope that you are all coping OK with the wintry weather. Nancy drives well on these bumpy rutted roads. Which way should we go? is often the question. The piki piks are everywhere passing on the right or left on these narrow dirt roads, plus the pedestrians. "Keep us safe LORD.”

We visited the hospital at Rankole where we had a great visit with our former students. Malone graduated in 1970 having only one year with me. Lumango, administrator of the hospital, gave us the tour of the hospital. Sezikana, a good midwife, was busy assisting a C-section. What a gorgeous baby she brought to us to see. We had a great time greeting each and reminiscing of the old days. Dyno the director of nursing was also a graduate from Nyankunde. All the staff there were Nyankunde-trained people. It was an old home day.

Later we drove to Simbiliyabo to see Evalina, my former cook/housekeeper who started working for me at age of 15 and is now 65 living in her old home with 2 grandchildren. Life is tough for her as she can not do heavy work, but she still has a hopeful spirit. I brought her photos which brought back lots of memories for all of us. “The kingdom of God belongs to those who have been persecuted.” These folks have been displaced, lost everything, and saw God replace the lost things in new ways. They represent the living book of Acts. They persist joyfully in the work God has given them to help their own people...true disciples.

We are sitting in the Secretary’s office at the college using their juice—electricity and wifi. There are means of communicating here that never existed before.

Travel plans: This Sunday the 18th we fly Bunia to Beni. There we will spend one day in Oicha to visit Dr. Kambale and Nara, in Beni we will be guests of the CME hospital staying a in a local hotel and visiting in the hospital and homes. Thursday the 22nd we will fly to Goma to be with Dr. Jo and Heal Africa. Pray for safety and a good time.

Love you all. thanks for praying me through these days. Judy