Quiet Blessings Upon the World

David concluded our series on James with a sermon on true wealth in a world that seems ruled by money. In one memorable moment, he said that the true power sustaining the world are not the plans of the wealthy, but the prayers of the faithful:

God’s blessing comes down so quietly and unknowingly. Numbers 11:9 says, “When the dew settled on the camp at night, the manna also came down.” When the people were sleeping in peace, God sent the dew and the manna quietly without disturbing their sweet sleep. And this is how believers’ prayers and God’s blessings are for the world. Our prayers look like nothing. But our prayers carry God’s blessings down upon the world. People may think that the world is ruled by rich men….But it is not true. The world is sustained and blessed by God through the believers’ prayers behind the curtain.